
Linux - Delete .csv column

Before you start you need to install

Ubuntu - sudo apt-get install libtext-csv-perl

CentOs - sudo yum install perl-Text-CSV

Then you need to download our script and assign the correct permissions. Place this script in the same folder your .csv files are in

chmod +x deletecolumn.perl

After downloading you need to edit the line below in deletecolumn.perl

print "\"$column[0]\",\"$column[2]\"\n";

By default this will only keep columns 0 and 2 (A and C, domainName and contactEmail)

0 = Column A
1 = Column B
2 = Column C
3 = Column D and so on...

Once you've edited it you need to run it using the following command

./deletecolumn.perl YourFileName.csv > YourNewFileName.csv

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